Angela DuPre is one of the people at the plane in the beginning. She was the one who said " It wasn't their. Then it was." She was the person who saw the plane. She was the one who told them that it was a Gate 2B.
Makayla Shawcroft From my reading, I know that Angela Dupre was one of the people on the plane. There are many risks when it comes to a stranger wanting to meet with children especially when the children are alone with the stranger. They could be kidnapped, killed, and maybe just maybe treated well. Chip and the others went to see her in the library because they received a letter from her in chapter 16.
I think the risk of 3 children meeting a complete stranger is very risky. I would not take my chances. They could get hurt or worse. The stranger could be dangerous.
I think that the risks of 3 children meeting a total stranger are really high. I think that anything could happen, including them getting kidnapped or killed. I think that they did it even though they knew the risks because they needed the information. I think that they were willing to risk a lot to find out who they really were and what really happened. I do not think that I would do that, because I am not adopted, so I don't have the urge to find out who I really am. I am happy with my life as it is, but if I were in their situation, I think that I would probably go meet Angela DuPre.
I believe that the risks of 3 children meeting a total stranger at a place where barely anyone is there is a real hazard. The person could be a kidnapper, or maybe just a murder in all. I think the reason they did this is because they wanted information so badly that they were willing to risk their lives against this anonymous person. Angela DuPre, was one of the people that saw the plane with all the children. She was the person that went up to the plane and found all the crying infants. If it were me in this situation as much as I would be desperate for information I would not risk my life for it.
I think they met Angela because they wanted info for adoption purposes. Maybe she wanted to talk to the 3 kids? The risks can be high because an adult can harm a child in seconds! A kid will regret there mistake soon enough into the adults problem!
Thane Horton I Belive that they met Angela because they wanted to know about Chip's adoption. The risks are kidnapping and murder. They wanted to find out about Chip's adoption. The reason it would be dangerous is because the adult is a stranger and, they don't know what she is capable of.
Dakota Sasser If I was one out of three kids and we met a adult stranger. One I would not say anything or do any thing dumb. Two I would be prepared with pepper spray or something. Three trick him(or her) in to a trap.
Parker Jones One thing I remember about Angela DuPre is that she works at the Sky Trails Airport. She also saw a plane land and when she went to check in the plane it was completely empty and that was very strange to her. In my opinion 3 children of my age meeting a stranger is very dangerous. One of the dangers could be getting kidnapped. Another risk is being injured or killed. If this was me and my friends we wouldn’t meet a stranger alone. With those risks in mind I think they were willing to take them to get more information about the adoptions.
Abril Ugalde I read the prologue, and based on the book, Angela DuPre worked at Sky Trails. On her first day at work, she saw a plane out of schedule just appear and then just disappear. On board of that plane, there were 36 babies, and no adults. She was fired that day for not denying that she saw the plane appear and disappear. I think that the risks of Jonah, Chip, and Katherine going to a meeting with a stranger. They are: getting killed, getting beat up, getting robbed, the meeting being just a prank, or a trap. From my reading I know that after knowing all those risks, Chip, Katherine, and Jonah still went to the meeting to get more information on Jonah and Chip's adoptions.
Addison Hollister In the prologue it states that Angela DuPre works at Sky Trails airport. She claimed to have seen a plane with 36 babies and no adults appear and disappear on an unscheduled gate and time. She was later fired for being honest and insisting she saw what she saw. The risks and danger of 3 kids meeting up with a complete stranger is very high. Anything could honestly happen to them, but the information the stranger could possibly give is worth it. Desperate times like this call for desperate measures such as meeting a stranger.
Taylor Alvarez In my opinion, there is a huge safety risk with children meeting with strangers. One big risk is that you could be kidnapped. Chip, being the one who most wants answers, was brave enough to go through with the meeting. I believe that Jonah would not have gone if it wasn't for Chip and Katherine convincing him to go. Jonah was worried about being kidnapped most of all and was smart enough to leave a letter to his parents just in case.
Lillyahna Mullins In my opinion the risks of three children my age going to meet with a complete stranger is you could be kidnapped. With the risks in mind they did it anyway because chip wanted answers. Katherine was right about it being Angela Dupre that they were going to see. Chip was excited to meet up with her to find out about his adoption.
Lily Pinson In my opinion, I think that some of the risks that you've got with three children my age meeting an adult who is a stranger could be getting severely injured our being taken. Another risk is that you parents wouldn't know what you would really be doing so they couldn't be there to help you. Like what the author wrote in the book, the stranger could have somebody with them so it would be a risk of being taken. With all of these risks in mind that they would know of, they did it anyways because they were looking for information on Jonah's and Chip's pasts. They went because they knew that this person has information and they wanted to hear and collect more knowledge on their pasts. To be honest, I would do this too. If I were adopted, I would want to know of my past and not want it kept from me forever. I would want to know more about myself. And this total stranger, could have the answers.
Angela DuPre is the lady who worked at the Sky Trails airport and she was the one who said that the plane just appeared out of nowhere. She also said that the plane just vanished in midair after they got all the babies out of the plane. I think that the risks of three kids my age going to meet a complete stranger are pretty scary. First of all, you could get kidnapped, or killed, or never see your family again-it's not a smart idea. I think they are willing to take the risks because they want to find out who they are so badly that they think that finding out who they are is more important than being kidnapped or killed or never seeing your family again.
Jason P. In my opinion the risks of 3 children my age meeting with an adult stranger are that we could be kidnapped or maybe even killed. I would never meet up with an adult stranger because it is bad and you never know what could happen. They were crazy for meeting up with a stranger like they did. I think they met up with her because they knew she would have some answers for them about some of their questions.
Lucas Durfee Do you think she will be nice? I think that she will be nice. I think this because she sent the kids a letter. She is also going to have to be nice because she is meeting them in a library.
Lucas Durfee I three kids meet up with an adult who is a stranger lots of bad things could happen like the woman might try to kidnap them. Another bad thing that could happen is she might follow them home and rob them. With those risks in mind they might do it because they are desperate for answers. I definitely would not do that with those risks in mind.
Brielle Johnson In my opinion the risks of three children my age meeting a complete stranger are pretty risky. You never know what could happen. You might get kidnapped or you could get killed with no one there to help you. Angela DePre was the girl that worked at Sky Trails Air. The one that saw the airplane full of babies appear and disappear. With these risks in mind I think that the only reason they went was because they wanted answers to their adoptions. Thinking of these risks I wouldn't have gone even if there was more kids of my age.
I think the risks of 3 kids my age meeting with a stranger is not a good idea because you could get killed and if I'm too young to die then their too young to die as well. I think that the person that they are meeting with is a little edgy because she didn't put her name or her address on the note and she refuses to let them call her. They did it because they want to have everything over with and out of the way. In the book it says "Theres kind of a murderous psychopath chasing me..." this is also my favorite line in this book because of what it says of course.
Casamaro White In my opinion the risks of three children my age meeting an adult who is a stranger would have some really scary risks involved. First of all, meeting a stranger is scary enough for a kid my age and to be in a room all by yourself with them is suspicious. I personally would be thinking that they are out to kidnap me because they wanted me to go alone. Second of all, in my opinion a kid my age might think they would get murdered by the adult because they were asked to go alone. That is why they brung their friends to spy on his conversation with the adult. Last of all, a kid my age who went to meet a stranger which is an adult would take the risks of getting in trouble. Their parents would ground them, be a lot more stricter with them, and always have a close eye on them. Another potential risk is the cops coming and misunderstanding the scene. Based on what I read, I think that they still went because they want to absolutely know who their birth parents are. They feel like they need to know so they don't care about the consequences or risks involved.
Johnanthony Hallberg First of all its just common sense to not meet up with a random stranger with 2 of your friends when your 13 in a public library with no one you know that is a grown ups around you. Second of all you could get kidnapped, assaulted or even killed.But sense this is not real life and its in the sifi genre I don't really care. Also he must not be thinking straight sens he just found out he was adopted, on a missing plane, and more, so that must be part of it. And last dose anyone know who what that weird square is it looks like the top of big Ben to me.
Evelyn O’Neill From reading chapter 17 my opinion about 3 children my age,meeting with an adult who is a stranger is very scary. One side of me says that they shouldn't have gone and then the other side of me is saying go go find out what she knows. Keeping in in mind they did just go get information, Chip was determined to go. Chip really wanted to know where he came from.
Lainey Hyde In chapter 17 I read that Chip, Jonah and Katherine where going to meet up with a total stranger to find more information about their adoption's. There are a lot of reasons why they shouldn't have gone to meet up with a total stranger with out their parents. First of all they could have been killed. They could have also been kidnapped. Another thing that could have happened was Angela might tell them false information.
Tylie Norcutt In chapter 17 Jonah, Chip, and Kathrine went to the library to met someone that might have some information they want. There are also lots of risk when you are going to the library meeting a complete stranger. They had that in mind, but they still did it. They still went because Chip wanted to know where he came from and he was determined to go and get answers.
John Rowe Three risks that Chip,Jonah and Katherine took by going to the Library are, First, they could have gotten kidnapped by her, because they didn't know who she really was. Second, they could have gotten killed, and third, they didn't actually know the person, so they didn't know why they were actually going. With those risks in mind, they still did it because they wanted answers to their questions, and Chip wanted to know where he came from, and who he really is.
John Rowe (this is an add on to my answer) Finally, I think they mostly did it because they wanted to know what happened to the people on the survivors list. They wanted to know if they were all adopted, and if they all got the letters.
Rafe Card I think the risks of three kids my age going to meet a stranger, are very high. They did it because they want see if Angela knew who their parents are. I think that they should not have done it. It is very risky that they could get kidnapped. If I was them I would search for my parents too.
There are many risks of three kids meeting with a stranger. One risk is that they could get kidnapped. Angela could be out there to take them. Another risk is that they could get badly hurt. They could be threatened and beaten to stop looking for where they came from. Lastly, they could get killed. Angela might be planning to kill them.They are going to meet her because Chip and Jonah want to know where they came from. They are also going to meet her because they believe she has information. They really want to solve this mystery.
In my opinion, the risks for 3 kids my age meeting a stranger are many. One of them would be getting kidnapped. Another would be putting them in danger,such as murdering them. They are so desperate for information about the adoption and who they really are, that they put themselves in danger.
Zowie Anderson In my opinion, the risks I think for 3 kids my age meeting with an adult who is a complete stranger, the risks would be, being kidnapped, being locked in the library room, getting the wrong information, and possibly being poisoned. Why the 3 kids would go to a stranger with those risks in mind would be to get information to why she was a witness.
In my opinion, the risk of three kids going to meet a total stranger are very high. First, this stranger could be an F.B.I agent in disguise, giving them wrong information. The person could also kidnap them. But, they are desperate and in need of information, so they decide to do it anyways.
Clayton Rigney The risks of meeting an adult stranger would be getting kidnapped, they could steel things or hurt us. I think the three kids still with the stranger to get more information. The reward of finding out more information about themselves and their story was greater than the risk. They almost seem desperate.
The risks of three children meeting with an adult stranger include the possibility of being kidnapped or injured. They did it because she was on the witnesses list. Their desire for information was stronger than their fear of strangers. But they did take precautions to make sure they had an easy way out and could run away.
I think that it would be very dangerous for 3 kids to be meeting with a stranger. They could get kidnapped or killed. I think that the kids went because they wanted to see who this person is and what she or he knew. They were willing to find out all that they could about their adoption. If I was in this situation, I would not go to meet one that I did not know. Just like Jonah I too would be hesitant.
Graycee Tibbals From reading chapter 17,Chip,Jonah and Katherine went to the library to met somone that mit have information they want.There are also a lot of risks when you are going to the library to meet a complete stranger.I thought that they had s mind,but I guess they don't.They still went because Chip wanted to get the right information.
Graycee Tibbals This is for 18 19 20, I agree with Katherine about her time wrap theory.I thought that maybe a ghost could teleport,but it is not likely for him to have superheros power than use a high tech thing that turns you back in time.I don't have a different theory because to me this one actually makes sense to me rather than the last two did.I would rather travel forward in time because if I had kids I would want to see the life they would live in.I also think that the janitor could teleport bathroom to bathroom.
From my reading I think that the risks of three children going to see a total stranger is that the stranger could be working for the DEA or the FBI and they could get in a lot of trouble or be put behind bars. They could also be killed if the stranger was armed they could get hurt or killed. If the kids got kidnaped and the police figured out what they were doing then they would get in a lot trouble or even thrown in prison.
The risks of three kids going to meet a complete stranger is beyond dangerous. Many problems could occur resulting in Chip, Jonah, and Katherine either being killed, kidnapped, or injured. I feel that they still went to meet Angela DuPre because they needed answers. Chip and Jonah needed answers about who they really are. They also wanted answers about their adoption and why they were getting those weird letters.
RUBY HISKETT Chapter 17 From my reading of the prologue I know that Angela DuPre was a lady that worked at the Sky Trails Airport. During the time it was her first day on the job. She was the one that kept repeating “It wasn’t there. Then it was.” In my opinion, I believe that there are many risks of three children meeting with a stranger. For example, they could be kidnaped, or even killed. I, personally, would not take that risk.
Raegynn Mayhue One of the biggest risks for kids my age would be that they could get kidnaped by the stranger. Another risk would be that the kids get lost due to not knowing the directions they took. Lastly, if their parents found out that they were going to the library to meet a stranger they would get into a lot of trouble. Despite all the risks the kids went to the library because the need to get answers outweighed the known risks.
In my opinion the risks of three kids my age meeting an adult who is a complete stranger are that they could get hurt or kidnapped. They could even die. They decided to go because they needed info on Chip's and Jonah's adoptions. This Angela did give Chip this letter telling him to meet her at the library in chapter sixteen. I know that Angela was at the airport when the mysterious plane arrived at Gate 2B so she could give them some helpful information.
Carter Paul In my opinion I think if three kid around my age would go and meet a complete stranger some bad stuff can happen. They can get severely injured, kidnapped, or even killed! It would be pretty risky but if you are in desperate need of information you would do it. The kids went for information about Chip and Jonah’s adoption because they wanted to know who they really are. Angela DuPre is the woman who worked for Sky Trails Air, and it was her first day of work. She saw the airplanes full of babies appear and disappear.
Jessalyn lewis In my opinion, the risk of three children my age meeting with a stranger would be bad. They could be kidnapped or they might get hurt. I think that Angela DuPre won’t hurt them though. I believe that she only wants to talk to them about her experience at the airport. Angela believes that the children will listen to her, unlike everybody else she had tried to talk to about the plane. I think that the kids know all of the risks that they are taking, but all they want is to know more about all of the strange things that been occurring lately.
Levi Johnson The risks of three kids meeting with a adult stranger is infinite, two of them are kidnapping and being killed. The reason kidnapping is a risk is that there meeting with a complete stranger and having no defensive skills what so ever. Being killed is a risk because they could be anybody. The three of them took a risk because there were so eager to find out about Chip and Jonah's birth parents.
Madison Lewis In my opinion I think that the risks of 3 children my age meeting an adult I don’t know are limitless, anything can happen. For example, we could be kidnapped, we could be killed, this person could be a wanted thief or a madman. I think they met up with Angela DuPre because they were curious of why everyone acted weird when they asked them what happened. They were also probably curious what Angela had to say and why she wanted to talk at the library and not over the phone.
Avery Paul Based on what I read, Angela DuPure was one of the people on the plane. There are many risks when it comes to a stranger wanting to meet with children especially when children are alone with the stranger. They could be killed, kidnapped, and maybe just maybe treated well. They were crazy for meeting up with stranger like they did.
Avery Paul Based on what I read, Angela DuPure was one of the people on the plane. There are many risks when it comes to a stranger wanting to meet with children especially when children are alone with the stranger. They could be killed, kidnapped, and maybe just maybe treated well. They were crazy for meeting up with stranger like they did.
Kennadee Irving Angela DuPre is the one who walked onto the plane with all the babies if Chip and Jonah are two of the babies on the plane she may know about him and Chip. I think its very risky to meet with a woman you don't know. she may kidnap you or hurt you. You have no idea who she is what she does or what her background is. But they still did it because they are onto a big mystery and they need all the information they can get.
Lily Lawson Angela DuPre is the one who worked for the airlines and entered the plane with all the babies. It's very risky to meet with a woman who you don't know because you might kidnapped. Also, you wouldn't know what she's capable of. I think they felt safe going because they knew they were going to stick together.
Ava Ekins-Faught Based on what I read, 3 children my age going to see a stranger is very risky. It is very dangerous because they don't know anything about this woman, she won't talk on the phone. They could easily get kidnapped, because they didn't know if she was going to bring anyone with her. It is also risky because on the letter no one signed it, so she could have been a man that came a kidnapped little kids. I think they are going to meet her because they want to know as much as information as they can.
From my reading, I know that it is very dangerous for 3 children my age to go meet a complete and utter stranger. They don't know anything about this woman, beside the fact that she was on the witness list. However, she did speak for a few seconds on the phone, but nothing more. I agree with Jonah that they could be kidnapped in the blink of an eye. Of course, she seemed like she came alone, but who knows? There could be someone waiting for them. Also, because there was no signature it could have been anyone, just forge a woman's handwriting. I think that their goal is to get in and get out, with as much information as possible.
Gabriella Stiehl From what I know, It is very dangerous for 3 kids to meet a total stranger because they could be kidnaped, hurt, or be put in danger. In the book, Angela is a complete total stranger to Jonah, Chip, and Katherine. The 3 kids don't know anything about her so, there's a 50% chance that she isn't a very good person. In my opinion, I think that she isn't here to hurt the kids. I think she's a good person. I'm just not a 100% sure.
From reading what the kids are doing, I can infer so many things that could go wrong and how dangerous it could be for three kids my age to meet up with an adult that could possibly not even be who they claim to be. They could be taken, robbed, hurt, by Angela. If your parents ever had the stranger danger talk with you then this s very obvious, honestly what parent doesn't, it's safe! I would at least just tell my parents what's going on and don't do shady stuff like this behind their backs that could put me in danger. So far though, Angela seems to have passed my threat test as a non-threat to the 3 kids.
Preston Kelsey I think the three main risks of meeting a stranger are kidnapping, abuse, and possibly the stranger trying to drug you. It was would be so scary, they could even try to kill you! They knew what the risks were, but their drive to know where they belonged and what their purpose in life was stronger. Also taking those risks could prevent other bad situations to happen.
From my reading I know, that it is not very safe for three kids my age to go and meet a stranger when their parents don't even know about it. They could get kidnapped, robbed, drugged or Angela could be working with Mr.Reader and they could be trying to get answers about Jonah. They met with Angela because they thought that she could be Chip's birth mother, but when she enters into the room, they all think, that can't be possible because she is tall and very dark and she is dressed in all black. It turns out that she was a employee at a plane airforce and she saw a plane full of babies and she thinks a she saw Jonah's and Chip's names. That was why she was on the witnesses list.
In my opinion the risks of three children going to meet with a total stranger are getting kidnapped, killed, or hurt. Jonah,Chip, and Katherine decided to go anyways because they wanted to get information. They think that Angela Dupre can tell them about their adoption and about their family. I also think they went because they wanted to see if Angela can help them with the list. She may even have information about the letters they've been receiving.
Zane Felton In my opinion, the odds of three children my age going to meet a total stranger, are very low. In a situation like this, the odds are still pretty low. You could get injured, kidnaped, die, and they're are many other disturbing things that could happen to you. I'm sure of children would understand too.
From my reading I know that Angela DuPre was working at the airport on her first day, when the plane with all of the babies came out of no wear. Based on what I know, there are many risks children my age would face meet an adult stranger that you really don’t know at all. One risk is that the adult could bring more people with them and kidnap them. Another risk is that is that they might kill you. They could use a number of things to kill three kids. A third risk is that the adult stranger could threaten you in many ways. Chip Jonah and Katherine still went to meet Angela DuPre, even with all of the risks in mind, because they were desperate for information about Jonah and Chip’s adoptions and the whole survivors and witness thing (except for Jonah).
Bryce Adams I think that three kids meeting a total stranger is very high. First of all you don't even know if he has a gun. If he did have a gun he could kill you or he might severely injure you. The stranger could kidnap you. One other reason could be they could have a knife. If they do they could stab you.
Ben Utz In my opinion three kids meeting a total stranger is very dangerous, and risky. For one, the stranger could have been a kidnapper or some other kind of criminal. I can see why they went anyway because they are very desperate for answers. I can also see why Jonah didn't want to go, because if I were in that situation I would want to hide away in a corner.
Sofia Utz I think that three kids meeting a complete stranger is a horrible idea. Though they're in a group, it would be very easy to get kidnapped in that situation. Another thing is, it could be bad for, what if the parents find out? They would be in big trouble, and wouldn't be able to travel on their own anymore. I think they would want to do this to find answers on who Angela is and know more on who they are.
There are a lot of risks for the children to meet with Angela DuPre. She very well could have been dangerous. They really had no idea what they were walking into. I think the reason they did it was because they had no other chance to find answers about who they were. Up until then they had hardly any information about what had been going on and this was there only option.
It is always dangerous to meet a stranger. In the prologue it is talking about how Angela was one of the people who noticed the disappearing plane, and found all of the babies. Some of the risks to 3 children our age would be that Angela might try to kidnap them, or hurt them or even try to kill the the three children. But Angela seems like a reasonable person. The children feel she might even have answers to their adoption and their identities, which is the reason the kids risked meeting Angela.
One risk of meeting with an adult who is a stranger would be that she could have a weapon. Another risk is that she could give you candy that has drugs in it. Lastly, she could kidnap you. They still went to meet her even with the risks because they wanted to get more answers about their adoptions. Another reason they still met with Angela is they knew they were in a safe location where people could still see them.
There can be a lot ricks meeting Angela DuPre, but from what's in the prologue she seems to be a trustable. But it could still be a trap from the people sending the letter. They might have her phone tapped and the herd the conversation.
The prologue tells us that Angela DuPre is a brand new employee at Sky Trails airport. She saw a sitting plane with no one to help the passengers off. she boarded the plane to help and found 36 seats each containing a baby and no adults. She was later fired for not lying about what she saw. Meeting up with a stranger is never a good idea. They could kidnap hurt or even kill you.
Some of the risks of three kids meeting a stranger is getting kidnapped, getting hurt, getting attacked, get in lots of trouble, cause something horrible to happen, get trapped in a room or box, then maybe get interrogated or worse. Why three kids my age would do this is because they are CRAZY or very insane because you CAN NOT go meet a total stranger that is an adult when you are kids you should go with your parents or someone you and your parents know and trust or you should not even go at all. If you haven't met the person don't go somewhere and talk to them alone even if you have two other people you won't know what will happen once you meet the stranger! When you do that you could also get yourself killed on accident that is one of the biggest risks in the world when you meet someone that you don’t know.
In my opinion, there are a couple of risks of children my age, meeting with an adult who is a stranger. They include the possibility of being kidnapped, being put in danger, and being hurt. However, I understand why they met with her. I would have done the same thing if I was in their shoes. Plus, they were very safe in their location. I know this because in the book it states Katherine says, "It's, like, glass on three sides. And you have to walk through the whole library to get to it. It's safe," . Despite all the risks they did it because Chip and Katherine desperately wanted the information that only Angela DuPre could provide.
In my opinion, three kids who went out to see a adult who is a stranger is very risky because you may not know what will or what can happen to you. Why Jonah, Chip, and Katherine went to meet with an adult who is a stranger is because they got this letter that was on a piece of generic white paper in Chip’s mailbox when they unfolded it, it said “ You contacted me at 8:35 p.m. on Monday, October 2. I was not at the liberty to discuss anything over the phone. If you call me back, I will deny that I sent this letter. I will refuse to tell you anything more. But if it is safe, I will meet you in the conference room B at the Liston Public Library at 3:00p.m.on Saturday, October 7. Then we can talk. Do not attempt to contact me otherwise. This is the only way. “And then there was no signature. They thought that it was Angela DuPre who had wrote the letter.
In my opionion, the risks of having three kids my age meeting an adult stranger is that they would probably get kidnapped and taken to a whole other place or lead to the posability of getting hurt. If I was them I would go not go because I would rather be safe than sorry. Another reason why this would be a risk taking idea would be because you could get killed and that is probably one of the biggest risks. But would it really be worth meeting Angela DuPre?
There are many risks with three children my age going to meet with an adult stranger. One risk is that they could be kidnapped by an overpowering adult. Another risk is that they could get taken advantage of and tricked into doing something bad. The children also could be robbed of jewelry or money. They can be physically abused. The children also can be followed and see where they live. They did this anyway because they wanted information. In my opinion, I do not think it was a good idea to meet up with a stranger.
Caden McKnight In my opinion I think that the risks of three kids my age meeting adult can differ depending on the place. In this case they should be fine because library's almost always have people in and around them but they still should be very careful. I think the reason they are willing to meet with Angela is because they want to gain as much knowledge as they can. They were not really getting anywhere close to figuring out what Witnesses and Survivors means.
Teon Erwin In my opinion the risks of three kids around my age meeting with an adult, especially a stranger, are scary. First of all, they're meeting with a person they hardly know. They are in a library doing this though, so there are people around. But, they are meeting with Angela to find out who are the "survivors." I feel like they can trust her, because she agreed to meet at the library, a publicly open place.
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ReplyDeleteAngela DuPre is one of the people at the plane in the beginning. She was the one who said " It wasn't their. Then it was." She was the person who saw the plane. She was the one who told them that it was a Gate 2B.
ReplyDeleteMakayla Shawcroft
ReplyDeleteFrom my reading, I know that Angela Dupre was one of the people on the plane. There are many risks when it comes to a stranger wanting to meet with children especially when the children are alone with the stranger. They could be kidnapped, killed, and maybe just maybe treated well.
Chip and the others went to see her in the library because they received a letter from her in chapter 16.
I think the risk of 3 children meeting a complete stranger is very risky. I would not take my chances. They could get hurt or worse. The stranger could be dangerous.
DeleteI think that the risks of 3 children meeting a total stranger are really high. I think that anything could happen, including them getting kidnapped or killed. I think that they did it even though they knew the risks because they needed the information. I think that they were willing to risk a lot to find out who they really were and what really happened. I do not think that I would do that, because I am not adopted, so I don't have the urge to find out who I really am. I am happy with my life as it is, but if I were in their situation, I think that I would probably go meet Angela DuPre.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the risks of 3 children meeting a total stranger at a place where barely anyone is there is a real hazard. The person could be a kidnapper, or maybe just a murder in all. I think the reason they did this is because they wanted information so badly that they were willing to risk their lives against this anonymous person. Angela DuPre, was one of the people that saw the plane with all the children. She was the person that went up to the plane and found all the crying infants. If it were me in this situation as much as I would be desperate for information I would not risk my life for it.
ReplyDeleteBrandon Calkins,
ReplyDeleteI think they met Angela because they wanted info for adoption purposes. Maybe she wanted to talk to the 3 kids? The risks can be high because an adult can harm a child in seconds! A kid will regret there mistake soon enough into the adults problem!
Thane Horton
ReplyDeleteI Belive that they met Angela because they wanted to know about Chip's adoption. The risks are kidnapping and murder. They wanted to find out about Chip's adoption. The reason it would be dangerous is because the adult is a stranger and, they don't know what she is capable of.
Dakota Sasser
ReplyDeleteIf I was one out of three kids and we met a adult stranger. One I would not say anything or do any thing dumb. Two I would be prepared with pepper spray or something. Three trick him(or her) in to a trap.
Parker Jones
ReplyDeleteOne thing I remember about Angela DuPre is that she works at the Sky Trails Airport. She also saw a plane land and when she went to check in the plane it was completely empty and that was very strange to her.
In my opinion 3 children of my age meeting a stranger is very dangerous. One of the dangers could be getting kidnapped. Another risk is being injured or killed. If this was me and my friends we wouldn’t meet a stranger alone. With those risks in mind I think they were willing to take them to get more information about the adoptions.
Abril Ugalde
ReplyDeleteI read the prologue, and based on the book, Angela DuPre worked at Sky Trails. On her first day at work, she saw a plane out of schedule just appear and then just disappear. On board of that plane, there were 36 babies, and no adults. She was fired that day for not denying that she saw the plane appear and disappear.
I think that the risks of Jonah, Chip, and Katherine going to a meeting with a stranger. They are: getting killed, getting beat up, getting robbed, the meeting being just a prank, or a trap. From my reading I know that after knowing all those risks, Chip, Katherine,
and Jonah still went to the meeting to get more information on Jonah and Chip's adoptions.
Addison Hollister
ReplyDeleteIn the prologue it states that Angela DuPre works at Sky Trails airport. She claimed to have seen a plane with 36 babies and no adults appear and disappear on an unscheduled gate and time. She was later fired for being honest and insisting she saw what she saw.
The risks and danger of 3 kids meeting up with a complete stranger is very high. Anything could honestly happen to them, but the information the stranger could possibly give is worth it. Desperate times like this call for desperate measures such as meeting a stranger.
Taylor Alvarez
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, there is a huge safety risk with children meeting with strangers. One big risk is that you could be kidnapped. Chip, being the one who most wants answers, was brave enough to go through with the meeting. I believe that Jonah would not have gone if it wasn't for Chip and Katherine convincing him to go. Jonah was worried about being kidnapped most of all and was smart enough to leave a letter to his parents just in case.
Lillyahna Mullins
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the risks of three children my age going to meet with a complete stranger is you could be kidnapped. With the risks in mind they did it anyway because chip wanted answers. Katherine was right about it being Angela Dupre that they were going to see. Chip was excited to meet up with her to find out about his adoption.
Lily Pinson
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, I think that some of the risks that you've got with three children my age meeting an adult who is a stranger could be getting severely injured our being taken. Another risk is that you parents wouldn't know what you would really be doing so they couldn't be there to help you. Like what the author wrote in the book, the stranger could have somebody with them so it would be a risk of being taken. With all of these risks in mind that they would know of, they did it anyways because they were looking for information on Jonah's and Chip's pasts. They went because they knew that this person has information and they wanted to hear and collect more knowledge on their pasts. To be honest, I would do this too. If I were adopted, I would want to know of my past and not want it kept from me forever. I would want to know more about myself. And this total stranger, could have the answers.
Angela DuPre is the lady who worked at the Sky Trails airport and she was the one who said that the plane just appeared out of nowhere. She also said that the plane just vanished in midair after they got all the babies out of the plane. I think that the risks of three kids my age going to meet a complete stranger are pretty scary. First of all, you could get kidnapped, or killed, or never see your family again-it's not a smart idea. I think they are willing to take the risks because they want to find out who they are so badly that they think that finding out who they are is more important than being kidnapped or killed or never seeing your family again.
ReplyDeleteJason P.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the risks of 3 children my age meeting with an adult stranger are that we could be kidnapped or maybe even killed. I would never meet up with an adult stranger because it is bad and you never know what could happen. They were crazy for meeting up with a stranger like they did. I think they met up with her because they knew she would have some answers for them about some of their questions.
Lucas Durfee
DeleteDo you think she will be nice? I think that she will be nice. I think this because she sent the kids a letter. She is also going to have to be nice because she is meeting them in a library.
if 3 kids meet up with a adult. SOMETHING IS GOING TO HATPIN!! like o i don't know lets say WE COULD BE KILLED. and sum mite say that not bad?
ReplyDeleteLucas Durfee
ReplyDeleteI three kids meet up with an adult who is a stranger lots of bad things could happen like the woman might try to kidnap them. Another bad thing that could happen is she might follow them home and rob them. With those risks in mind they might do it because they are desperate for answers. I definitely would not do that with those risks in mind.
Brielle Johnson
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the risks of three children my age meeting a complete stranger are pretty risky. You never know what could happen. You might get kidnapped or you could get killed with no one there to help you. Angela DePre was the girl that worked at Sky Trails Air. The one that saw the airplane full of babies appear and disappear. With these risks in mind I think that the only reason they went was because they wanted answers to their adoptions. Thinking of these risks I wouldn't have gone even if there was more kids of my age.
I think the risks of 3 kids my age meeting with a stranger is not a good idea because you could get killed and if I'm too young to die then their too young to die as well. I think that the person that they are meeting with is a little edgy because she didn't put her name or her address on the note and she refuses to let them call her. They did it because they want to have everything over with and out of the way. In the book it says "Theres kind of a murderous psychopath chasing me..." this is also my favorite line in this book because of what it says of course.
ReplyDeleteCasamaro White
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the risks of three children my age meeting an adult who is a stranger would have some really scary risks involved. First of all, meeting a stranger is scary enough for a kid my age and to be in a room all by yourself with them is suspicious. I personally would be thinking that they are out to kidnap me because they wanted me to go alone. Second of all, in my opinion a kid my age might think they would get murdered by the adult because they were asked to go alone. That is why they brung their friends to spy on his conversation with the adult. Last of all, a kid my age who went to meet a stranger which is an adult would take the risks of getting in trouble. Their parents would ground them, be a lot more stricter with them, and always have a close eye on them. Another potential risk is the cops coming and misunderstanding the scene. Based on what I read, I think that they still went because they want to absolutely know who their birth parents are. They feel like they need to know so they don't care about the consequences or risks involved.
Johnanthony Hallberg
ReplyDeleteFirst of all its just common sense to not meet up with a random stranger with 2 of your friends when your 13 in a public library with no one you know that is a grown ups around you. Second of all you could get kidnapped, assaulted or even killed.But sense this is not real life and its in the sifi genre I don't really care. Also he must not be thinking straight sens he just found out he was adopted, on a missing plane, and more, so that must be part of it. And last dose anyone know who what that weird square is it looks like the top of big Ben to me.
Evelyn O’Neill
ReplyDeleteFrom reading chapter 17 my opinion about 3 children my age,meeting with an adult who is a stranger is very scary. One side of me says that they shouldn't have gone and then the other side of me is saying go go find out what she knows. Keeping in in mind they did just go get information, Chip was determined to go. Chip really wanted to know where he came from.
Lainey Hyde
ReplyDeleteIn chapter 17 I read that Chip, Jonah and Katherine where going to meet up with a total stranger to find more information about their adoption's. There are a lot of reasons why they shouldn't have gone to meet up with a total stranger with out their parents. First of all they could have been killed. They could have also been kidnapped. Another thing that could have happened was Angela might tell them false information.
Tylie Norcutt
ReplyDeleteIn chapter 17 Jonah, Chip, and Kathrine went to the library to met someone that might have some information they want. There are also lots of risk when you are going to the library meeting a complete stranger. They had that in mind, but they still did it. They still went because Chip wanted to know where he came from and he was determined to go and get answers.
John Rowe
ReplyDeleteThree risks that Chip,Jonah and Katherine took by going to the Library are, First, they could have gotten kidnapped by her, because they didn't know who she really was. Second, they could have gotten killed, and third, they didn't actually know the person, so they didn't know why they were actually going. With those risks in mind, they still did it because they wanted answers to their questions, and Chip wanted to know where he came from, and who he really is.
John Rowe (this is an add on to my answer)
DeleteFinally, I think they mostly did it because they wanted to know what happened to the people on the survivors list. They wanted to know if they were all adopted, and if they all got the letters.
Rafe Card
ReplyDeleteI think the risks of three kids my age going to meet a stranger, are very high. They did it because they want see if Angela knew who their parents are. I think that they should not have done it. It is very risky that they could get kidnapped. If I was them I would search for my parents too.
Kenadee McKnight
ReplyDeleteThere are many risks of three kids meeting with a stranger. One risk is that they could get kidnapped. Angela could be out there to take them. Another risk is that they could get badly hurt. They could be threatened and beaten to stop looking for where they came from. Lastly, they could get killed. Angela might be planning to kill them.They are going to meet her because Chip and Jonah want to know where they came from. They are also going to meet her because they believe she has information. They really want to solve this mystery.
Haelie Adams
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, the risks for 3 kids my age meeting a stranger are many. One of them would be getting kidnapped. Another would be putting them in danger,such as murdering them. They are so desperate for information about the adoption and who they really are, that they put themselves in danger.
Zowie Anderson
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, the risks I think for 3 kids my age meeting with an adult who is a complete stranger, the risks would be, being kidnapped, being locked in the library room, getting the wrong information, and possibly being poisoned. Why the 3 kids would go to a stranger with those risks in mind would be to get information to why she was a witness.
In my opinion, the risk of three kids going to meet a total stranger are very high. First, this stranger could be an F.B.I agent in disguise, giving them wrong information. The person could also kidnap them. But, they are desperate and in need of information, so they decide to do it anyways.
ReplyDeleteClayton Rigney
ReplyDeleteThe risks of meeting an adult stranger would be getting kidnapped, they could steel things or hurt us. I think the three kids still with the stranger to get more information. The reward of finding out more information about themselves and their story was greater than the risk. They almost seem desperate.
The risks of three children meeting with an adult stranger include the possibility of being kidnapped or injured. They did it because she was on the witnesses list. Their desire for information was stronger than their fear of strangers. But they did take precautions to make sure they had an easy way out and could run away.
ReplyDeleteSofia de la Cruz
ReplyDeleteI think that it would be very dangerous for 3 kids to be meeting with a stranger. They could get kidnapped or killed. I think that the kids went because they wanted to see who this person is and what she or he knew. They were willing to find out all that they could about their adoption. If I was in this situation, I would not go to meet one that I did not know. Just like Jonah I too would be hesitant.
Graycee Tibbals
ReplyDeleteFrom reading chapter 17,Chip,Jonah and Katherine went to the library to met somone that mit have information they want.There are also a lot of risks when you are going to the library to meet a complete stranger.I thought that they had s mind,but I guess they don't.They still went because Chip wanted to get the right information.
Graycee Tibbals
ReplyDeleteThis is for 18 19 20, I agree with Katherine about her time wrap theory.I thought that maybe a ghost could teleport,but it is not likely for him to have superheros power than use a high tech thing that turns you back in time.I don't have a different theory because to me this one actually makes sense to me rather than the last two did.I would rather travel forward in time because if I had kids I would want to see the life they would live in.I also think that the janitor could teleport bathroom to bathroom.
Graycee Tibbals
ReplyDeleteIt would not work so I just put it on 17:]
From my reading I think that the risks of three children going to see a total stranger is that the stranger could be working for the DEA or the FBI and they could get in a lot of trouble or be put behind bars. They could also be killed if the stranger was armed they could get hurt or killed. If the kids got kidnaped and the police figured out what they were doing then they would get in a lot trouble or even thrown in prison.
ReplyDeleteRafe Brown
ReplyDeleteThe risks of three kids going to meet a complete stranger is beyond dangerous. Many problems could occur resulting in Chip, Jonah, and Katherine either being killed, kidnapped, or injured. I feel that they still went to meet Angela DuPre because they needed answers. Chip and Jonah needed answers about who they really are. They also wanted answers about their adoption and why they were getting those weird letters.
ReplyDeleteChapter 17
From my reading of the prologue I know that Angela DuPre was a lady that worked at the Sky Trails Airport. During the time it was her first day on the job. She was the one that kept repeating “It wasn’t there. Then it was.”
In my opinion, I believe that there are many risks of three children meeting with a stranger. For example, they could be kidnaped, or even killed. I, personally, would not take that risk.
Raegynn Mayhue
ReplyDeleteOne of the biggest risks for kids my age would be that they could get kidnaped by the stranger. Another risk would be that the kids get lost due to not knowing the directions they took. Lastly, if their parents found out that they were going to the library to meet a stranger they would get into a lot of trouble. Despite all the risks the kids went to the library because the need to get answers outweighed the known risks.
Aubrey Vaughn
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the risks of three kids my age meeting an adult who is a complete stranger are that they could get hurt or kidnapped. They could even die. They decided to go because they needed info on Chip's and Jonah's adoptions. This Angela did give Chip this letter telling him to meet her at the library in chapter sixteen. I know that Angela was at the airport when the mysterious plane arrived at Gate 2B so she could give them some helpful information.
Carter Paul
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion I think if three kid around my age would go and meet a complete stranger some bad stuff can happen. They can get severely injured, kidnapped, or even killed! It would be pretty risky but if you are in desperate need of information you would do it. The kids went for information about Chip and Jonah’s adoption because they wanted to know who they really are. Angela DuPre is the woman who worked for Sky Trails Air, and it was her first day of work. She saw the airplanes full of babies appear and disappear.
Jessalyn lewis
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, the risk of three children my age meeting with a stranger would be bad. They could be kidnapped or they might get hurt. I think that Angela DuPre won’t hurt them though. I believe that she only wants to talk to them about her experience at the airport. Angela believes that the children will listen to her, unlike everybody else she had tried to talk to about the plane. I think that the kids know all of the risks that they are taking, but all they want is to know more about all of the strange things that been occurring lately.
Levi Johnson
ReplyDeleteThe risks of three kids meeting with a adult stranger is infinite, two of them are kidnapping and being killed. The reason kidnapping is a risk is that there meeting with a complete stranger and having no defensive skills what so ever. Being killed is a risk because they could be anybody. The three of them took a risk because there were so eager to find out about Chip and Jonah's birth parents.
Madison Lewis
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion I think that the risks of 3 children my age meeting an adult I don’t know are limitless, anything can happen. For example, we could be kidnapped, we could be killed, this person could be a wanted thief or a madman. I think they met up with Angela DuPre because they were curious of why everyone acted weird when they asked them what happened. They were also probably curious what Angela had to say and why she wanted to talk at the library and not over the phone.
Avery Paul
ReplyDeleteBased on what I read, Angela DuPure was one of the people on the plane. There are many risks when it comes to a stranger wanting to meet with children especially when children are alone with the stranger. They could be killed, kidnapped, and maybe just maybe treated well. They were crazy for meeting up with stranger like they did.
Avery Paul
ReplyDeleteBased on what I read, Angela DuPure was one of the people on the plane. There are many risks when it comes to a stranger wanting to meet with children especially when children are alone with the stranger. They could be killed, kidnapped, and maybe just maybe treated well. They were crazy for meeting up with stranger like they did.
Kennadee Irving
ReplyDeleteAngela DuPre is the one who walked onto the plane with all the babies if Chip and Jonah are two of the babies on the plane she may know about him and Chip. I think its very risky to meet with a woman you don't know. she may kidnap you or hurt you. You have no idea who she is what she does or what her background is. But they still did it because they are onto a big mystery and they need all the information they can get.
Lily Lawson
ReplyDeleteAngela DuPre is the one who worked for the airlines and entered the plane with all the babies. It's very risky to meet with a woman who you don't know because you might kidnapped. Also, you wouldn't know what she's capable of. I think they felt safe going because they knew they were going to stick together.
Ava Ekins-Faught
ReplyDeleteBased on what I read, 3 children my age going to see a stranger is very risky. It is very dangerous because they don't know anything about this woman, she won't talk on the phone. They could easily get kidnapped, because they didn't know if she was going to bring anyone with her. It is also risky because on the letter no one signed it, so she could have been a man that came a kidnapped little kids. I think they are going to meet her because they want to know as much as information as they can.
From my reading, I know that it is very dangerous for 3 children my age to go meet a complete and utter stranger. They don't know anything about this woman, beside the fact that she was on the witness list. However, she did speak for a few seconds on the phone, but nothing more. I agree with Jonah that they could be kidnapped in the blink of an eye. Of course, she seemed like she came alone, but who knows? There could be someone waiting for them. Also, because there was no signature it could have been anyone, just forge a woman's handwriting. I think that their goal is to get in and get out, with as much information as possible.
ReplyDeleteGabriella Stiehl
ReplyDeleteFrom what I know, It is very dangerous for 3 kids to meet a total stranger because they could be kidnaped, hurt, or be put in danger. In the book, Angela is a complete total stranger to Jonah, Chip, and Katherine. The 3 kids don't know anything about her so, there's a 50% chance that she isn't a very good person. In my opinion, I think that she isn't here to hurt the kids. I think she's a good person. I'm just not a 100% sure.
Mattie Zulz
ReplyDeleteFrom reading what the kids are doing, I can infer so many things that could go wrong and how dangerous it could be for three kids my age to meet up with an adult that could possibly not even be who they claim to be. They could be taken, robbed, hurt, by Angela. If your parents ever had the stranger danger talk with you then this s very obvious, honestly what parent doesn't, it's safe! I would at least just tell my parents what's going on and don't do shady stuff like this behind their backs that could put me in danger. So far though, Angela seems to have passed my threat test as a non-threat to the 3 kids.
Preston Kelsey
ReplyDeleteI think the three main risks of meeting a stranger are kidnapping, abuse, and possibly the stranger trying to drug you. It was would be so scary, they could even try to kill you! They knew what the risks were, but their drive to know where they belonged and what their purpose in life was stronger. Also taking those risks could prevent other bad situations to happen.
From my reading I know, that it is not very safe for three kids my age to go and meet a stranger when their parents don't even know about it. They could get kidnapped, robbed, drugged or Angela could be working with Mr.Reader and they could be trying to get answers about Jonah. They met with Angela because they thought that she could be Chip's birth mother, but when she enters into the room, they all think, that can't be possible because she is tall and very dark and she is dressed in all black. It turns out that she was a employee at a plane airforce and she saw a plane full of babies and she thinks a she saw Jonah's and Chip's names. That was why she was on the witnesses list.
ReplyDeleteIsaac Martinez
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the risks of three children going to meet with a total stranger are getting kidnapped, killed, or hurt. Jonah,Chip, and Katherine decided to go anyways because they wanted to get information. They think that Angela Dupre can tell them about their adoption and about their family. I also think they went because they wanted to see if Angela can help them with the list. She may even have information about the letters they've been receiving.
Zane Felton
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, the odds of three children my age going to meet a total stranger, are very low. In a situation like this, the odds are still pretty low. You could get injured, kidnaped, die, and they're are many other disturbing things that could happen to you. I'm sure of children would understand too.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFrom my reading I know that Angela DuPre was working at the airport on her first day, when the plane with all of the babies came out of no wear. Based on what I know, there are many risks children my age would face meet an adult stranger that you really don’t know at all. One risk is that the adult could bring more people with them and kidnap them. Another risk is that is that they might kill you. They could use a number of things to kill three kids. A third risk is that the adult stranger could threaten you in many ways. Chip Jonah and Katherine still went to meet Angela DuPre, even with all of the risks in mind, because they were desperate for information about Jonah and Chip’s adoptions and the whole survivors and witness thing (except for Jonah).
ReplyDeleteBryce Adams
ReplyDeleteI think that three kids meeting a total stranger is very high. First of all you don't even know if he has a gun. If he did have a gun he could kill you or he might severely injure you. The stranger could kidnap you. One other reason could be they could have a knife. If they do they could stab you.
Ben Utz
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion three kids meeting a total stranger is very dangerous, and risky. For one, the stranger could have been a kidnapper or some other kind of criminal. I can see why they went anyway because they are very desperate for answers. I can also see why Jonah didn't want to go, because if I were in that situation I would want to hide away in a corner.
Sofia Utz
ReplyDeleteI think that three kids meeting a complete stranger is a horrible idea. Though they're in a group, it would be very easy to get kidnapped in that situation. Another thing is, it could be bad for, what if the parents find out? They would be in big trouble, and wouldn't be able to travel on their own anymore. I think they would want to do this to find answers on who Angela is and know more on who they are.
Anna Springfield
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of risks for the children to meet with Angela DuPre. She very well could have been dangerous. They really had no idea what they were walking into. I think the reason they did it was because they had no other chance to find answers about who they were. Up until then they had hardly any information about what had been going on and this was there only option.
Serenity Achurra
ReplyDeleteIt is always dangerous to meet a stranger. In the prologue it is talking about how Angela was one of the people who noticed the disappearing plane, and found all of the babies. Some of the risks to 3 children our age would be that Angela might try to kidnap them, or hurt them or even try to kill the the three children. But Angela seems like a reasonable person. The children feel she might even have answers to their adoption and their identities, which is the reason the kids risked meeting Angela.
Colin H
ReplyDeleteOne risk of meeting with an adult who is a stranger would be that she could have a weapon. Another risk is that she could give you candy that has drugs in it. Lastly, she could kidnap you. They still went to meet her even with the risks because they wanted to get more answers about their adoptions. Another reason they still met with Angela is they knew they were in a safe location where people could still see them.
There can be a lot ricks meeting Angela DuPre, but from what's in the prologue she seems to be a trustable. But it could still be a trap from the people sending the letter. They might have her phone tapped and the herd the conversation.
ReplyDelete- Macray O'Neill
Corbin Rollano
ReplyDeleteThe prologue tells us that Angela DuPre is a brand new employee at Sky Trails airport. She saw a sitting plane with no one to help the passengers off. she boarded the plane to help and found 36 seats each containing a baby and no adults. She was later fired for not lying about what she saw.
Meeting up with a stranger is never a good idea. They could kidnap hurt or even kill you.
Amillia Nguyen
ReplyDeleteSome of the risks of three kids meeting a stranger is getting kidnapped, getting hurt, getting attacked, get in lots of trouble, cause something horrible to happen, get trapped in a room or box, then maybe get interrogated or worse. Why three kids my age would do this is because they are CRAZY or very insane because you CAN NOT go meet a total stranger that is an adult when you are kids you should go with your parents or someone you and your parents know and trust or you should not even go at all. If you haven't met the person don't go somewhere and talk to them alone even if you have two other people you won't know what will happen once you meet the stranger! When you do that you could also get yourself killed on accident that is one of the biggest risks in the world when you meet someone that you don’t know.
Emily Bird
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, there are a couple of risks of children my age, meeting with an adult who is a stranger. They include the possibility of being kidnapped, being put in danger, and being hurt. However, I understand why they met with her. I would have done the same thing if I was in their shoes. Plus, they were very safe in their location. I know this because in the book it states Katherine says, "It's, like, glass on three sides. And you have to walk through the whole library to get to it. It's safe," . Despite all the risks they did it because Chip and Katherine desperately wanted the information that only Angela DuPre could provide.
Nathalia Nguyen
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, three kids who went out to see a adult who is a stranger is very risky because you may not know what will or what can happen to you. Why Jonah, Chip, and Katherine went to meet with an adult who is a stranger is because they got this letter that was on a piece of generic white paper in Chip’s mailbox when they unfolded it, it said “ You contacted me at 8:35 p.m. on Monday, October 2. I was not at the liberty to discuss anything over the phone. If you call me back, I will deny that I sent this letter. I will refuse to tell you anything more. But if it is safe, I will meet you in the conference room B at the Liston Public Library at 3:00p.m.on Saturday, October 7. Then we can talk. Do not attempt to contact me otherwise. This is the only way. “And then there was no signature. They thought that it was Angela DuPre who had wrote the letter.
Anehli Aguilar
ReplyDeleteIn my opionion, the risks of having three kids my age meeting an adult stranger is that they would probably get kidnapped and taken to a whole other place or lead to the posability of getting hurt. If I was them I would go not go because I would rather be safe than sorry. Another reason why this would be a risk taking idea would be because you could get killed and that is probably one of the biggest risks. But would it really be worth meeting Angela DuPre?
Hunter McNabb
ReplyDeleteThere are many risks with three children my age going to meet with an adult stranger. One risk is that they could be kidnapped by an overpowering adult. Another risk is that they could get taken advantage of and tricked into doing something bad. The children also could be robbed of jewelry or money. They can be physically abused. The children also can be followed and see where they live. They did this anyway because they wanted information. In my opinion, I do not think it was a good idea to meet up with a stranger.
Caden McKnight
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion I think that the risks of three kids my age meeting adult can differ depending on the place. In this case they should be fine because library's almost always have people in and around them but they still should be very careful. I think the reason they are willing to meet with Angela is because they want to gain as much knowledge as they can. They were not really getting anywhere close to figuring out what Witnesses and Survivors means.
Teon Erwin
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the risks of three kids around my age meeting with an adult, especially a stranger, are scary. First of all, they're meeting with a person they hardly know. They are in a library doing this though, so there are people around. But, they are meeting with Angela to find out who are the "survivors." I feel like they can trust her, because she agreed to meet at the library, a publicly open place.