Friday, June 7, 2013

Chapter 31

What would you choose, the future or the past?  Why?


  1. Brody Jacks
    If I had a choice between going to the future and going to the past I would go to the future. I would go to the future because you could see how you act now that you are an adult.I wouldn’t go to the past because you already know what you acted like when you were little from stories you’ve heard since then. I would go to the future because you could see if you have the job that you have wanted ever since you were little. You could see if you have a family and how many kids you have. It would be nice because you could be prepared for what is coming in the future so you are ready. You could also see how long you live and if you died.

  2. Makayla Shawcroft
    I think that I would choose the past because going to the future would be nice but fixing accidents that you had made earlier would be great too. Maybe you could save chances to make friends, to accomplish dreams when you had the chance, or even stop mistakes that you know will happen. For me that would be a dream come true.

    1. Makayla Shawcroft
      I think that a few other reasons for me to chose the past is that I could have more time with my family and I could enjoy the times when I was little and could just have fun. But the future would be nice also. Maybe you could find out which job you get when your older, which college you go to, what crazy new inventions they invent. Sure the future sounds cool but I choose the past.

  3. Brandon Calkins,

    I'd choose the future because you can try out new foods and beverages. You could see the new contraptions and gadgets to inspire and help others. The past would be nice because fix mistakes that had already happened and make it into a good deed. Considering the future sounds more amazing and awesome I'd rather prefer the past.

  4. Dakota Sasser
    I would choose future. here are my reasons why. #1 I can know what would happen. #2 I can warn people if danger is coming. #3 or be lazy and watch every show /movie be for it comes out.

  5. If I could choose between the past and future, I would choose future because then I could see what the world has become. I would not choose past because the past was a very scary time. I would like to see what the music and lifestyle is like. Then technically, I could live longer. I could have a cool job, too. The only downside is that it could have turned into something like in the Hunger Games or Divergent series. Then I would regret choosing the future. I would ask to go live in the 80's. That would be super cool.

  6. Addison Hollister
    If I had a choice of the future or the past I would choose the past. I wouldn't want to go to far, like the times of war, and all the bad stuff happening. In the 1960's, I would love to be a hippy! Not having a care in the world, wearing bright colors! That would be so groovy! I would definitely choose the past as long as it isn't to far back in time.

  7. Gavyn Renfro

    If I could chose if I wanted to go to the future or past I would chose the future because you wouldn`t have to worry about messing anything up that had to do with the future. Also you could if things have changed or if they stayed. If you are just a clerk at walmart or if got the best job ever.evan though you could fix things. I say things happen for a reoson though.

    1. If I could chose if I wanted to go to the future or past I would chose the future. Only because my parents could still be there. Also, think about how far tech has gone. Probably very far I assume.

  8. Jason P.
    If I could choose to go into the future or the past, I would choose the past. I would go into the past because you would already have some great ideas from the future and could help people out or stop bad things from happening. I would also love to go into the past because you could relive some of your favorite times in life. It would be really cool if we could time travel.

  9. Abril Ugalde
    I would choose the future. I would choose the future for my number one reason: death. If the other 36 kids and I were saved, that meant that if we went back in time we would have to die a tragic death as soon as we got to our time period. I would also choose the future because in the past, I might say something I know from the future and cause the time ripple to be even larger. I would choose the future because there would be more advanced technology, and I would get to live among rich people who would treat me well.

  10. i would choose the future because i would try to save the 36 kids deaths form die.

  11. Casamaro White
    If I had a choice to go back to the past or forward into the future I would choose going into the future. I would go into the future because there could be some cool new things like a new type of math or reading. Another reason I would go into the future is to see the older me, new famous people, and check out the new discoveries. Just thinking about going into the future would be cool just think of all the interesting things people would make in the future. My last reason is the potential advanced technology that would be fun to mess around with.

  12. Parker Jones
    I would choose the past. I would choose the past because life was much more simple and slower paced. Life wasn’t all about these electronics we have now days. People didn’t care about playing video games or being on their phones. And like Chip and Jonah in the beginning of the book, they had less to worry about before they started to get hints and ideas about the adoptions and the time travel theory. The past was less complicated for them like it used to be for us in the real world.

  13. I would choose the future. I would choose the future because I would be able to see what inventions people would create. I would be able to see what Movies there are before the are even heard of. I would also be able to tryout the things people invent.

  14. If I could choose the future or the past I would choose the future. I would choose this because everything would be all cool and futuristic, and everything would be cool looking. I wouldn't like the past because everything would be old-fashioned. I like old-fashioned stuff, but I don't think I would want to always be around it. I would want the futuristic stuff because it would be awesome because things would be different, and kind of exciting. It would be hard to get use to the new stuff, but I think it would be nice. I would also want to go into the future because of the new technology-it would be so fun to mess with the new technology and seeing older versions of me and my friends.

  15. I would go to the future although it says we would have to be babies again I would take it. I couldn't bare to go to the past and not be able to see my friends again or do things that I can do now. I would have only memories to see them. If I went to the future I wouldn't have to bear being without them because I wouldn't remember them. But if you erase memories you erase the person because moments that happen in their life make who they are. At least there could be a chance that we could meet up but the likes of that are slim.

  16. I would go to the future because I would like to see what's trending and what's new. But seeing as I would be loosing all my memories of the past. I still think going to the future would be pretty cool. Also seeing what all my friends look like in the future would also be pretty awesome.

    1. Lucas Durfee
      What if the trends we weird? Then would you rather live in the past? What if your friends forgot you in the future? I agree though I would live in the future.

  17. Brielle Johnson
    If I could choose between the past or the future I would choose the past. I would choose the past because you could see old friends or people you never get to see anymore. One reason why I chose the past is because I want everything to be a surprise in the future. One thing about the past is I don't want it to go way far back in time. Other then that I think the past would be super cool.

  18. Lucas Durfee
    I would chose the future because it would be more fun to live in. In the future I would be able to have a hover board(not the kind we have today.) Also we would have flying cars. My favorite part would be that everything is chrome.

  19. Thane Horton
    I would chose the past because life wouldn't be as frustrating over politics. Also to buy cars that are super rare now and sell them and donate the money to cancer research and mental illness research.Also help people through the great depression. the only thing i would worry about is messing up time.

  20. Lainey Hyde
    I would probably have to choose the future so I would be able to vote and run for president. I would also buy a lot of lottery tickets to try and win. If I do I would live in a big ranch with a mansion. I might also consider the past because I could relive the 21st century.

  21. Taylor Alvarez
    If I had to choose from the future or the past, I'd choose the past. I would choose the past because I know my past, and it was a good one. Also, you would be able to change the things you messed up on. You would also be able to come back to the present time if you didn't go to far into the past.

  22. If I had to choose between the past or future, I would pick future. I would pick future because I would want to see what is happening forward, I already know enough of my past. I think in the future it would be pretty cool to see how things are in the forward. The past is all behind.

  23. Rafe Card
    I would pick future. In the past there was kings and queens. In the video everybody was killing each other. There was a lot violence in the past. In the future there would be a lot of technology and I think wouldn't be hostiles running around killing each other.

  24. Johnanthony Hallberg
    I would go into the past because I would be able to save thousands even millions of lives. I could stop 911 by warning people or starting a evacuation. I could help people with diseases and problems by bringing medicine and antidotes from by time. or I can even create things in the past that would not be there like the internet or an engine or even a computer so we could be more advanced. imagine if in the 1800s they had laptops and self driving cars or the internet. They would be just as advanced as us now so in the future like are time 2016 we will have more advanced things like flying cars or the cure to cancer or Eco friendly machines to we do not use so much fossil fuel. that is why I would go back in time and not to the future

  25. John Rowe
    I think that I would go into the future. The reason that I would go into the future is for starters, I could go and see if there was a cure for cancer and other dieses and bring them back to the past and save millions of lives. I could also go and see what the future is like. I could see if there is advanced technology, and see if they have advanced medical procedures. Finally, I could go into MY future and see what happens in my live. These are some of the reasons I would go into the future.

  26. I think that I would choose to lie in the past. I do love video games and TV, but I really like the past. I wouldn't go very far back in the past, though. The fifties has always interested me. And there would not be so many problems we have to live with today, and there would be no cell phones. Kids would be playing outside all them time, which our time seems to lack. These are a few of the reasons why I would go back in time.

  27. Clayton Rigney
    I would choose the future. Because I want to be a part of the new technology. I want to have new medicine and better living. I really want to drive a flying car.

  28. Kenadee McKnight

    I would choose the future. I would choose the future because I would get to see my destiny. Also I have already seen and learned about the past. I would also want to be there with all the new medicines and technology. There might be a medicine that helps you live longer maybe to you 100's. I think the future might be my best option.

  29. I would choose the future because the past is a scary time. In the past there were so many wars and chaos that it would be very frightening. If I were one of them I would know I should go back because it's where they came from, but I wouldn't want to. I would be unsure what the future had in store, though.

  30. Evelyn O’Neill
    From reading chapter 31 I know that I would would like to be in the past. Why I would like to be in that past is because they had no phones, and computers so I would be more active and creative. I would love to live in the past.

  31. Lily Pinson
    From trusting my gut, I feel like if I had to choose from going to the future, or the past, I would want to go to the future. It could be a better place than the past. I would want to live a life where it is pleasant and peaceful. If I were to go to the future, I would want to be promised that I would have a better life than the one that I had. I wouldn't want to go if I were told it isn't a pleasant time to live in. I do feel like the future would be a better place to live in than the past because of how brutal and horrific it was.

  32. Sofia de la Cruz

    I would rather be in the future than past. I would want to be in the future because you get to experience things that you could not experience in the past. I also think that it would be cool to see what you become. Since your personality changes over time and your interest. You could choose a career that you like later on.

  33. Zowie Anderson
    I would want to be in the future because you could find out what you will do or if you interests changed or your voice, you could see who you became and if it was what you wanted to do when you were younger.

  34. Tylie Norcutt
    I would want to be in the past. I would want to be in the past because you already know what is going to happen and you could fix all the mistakes you made. I would also want to be in the past because there would be less technology. I would like less technology because then people would be much more active.

  35. If I could choose to go to the future or the past I would go to the past. I would specifically be 17 in 1980 and then I would be 38 0n 9/11 but I could stop 9/11 from happening and I could stop so many other things. I would also like to go back in time so kids are not as snobby and non outdoorsy and like to stay inside and play video games and text and snapchat, FaceTime, brows social media, and stop being kids but basically since a lot of kids and people do that today they basically are couches. I would also get to meet a lot of cool people drive cool cars and much more.

  36. Rafe Brown

    If I had to choose to live in the past or the future I would choose to live in the past. I would want to live in the past because there wasn't phones or televisions so kids had to play outside to entertain themselves. I wouldn't want to live in the future because there would be so much technology kids wouldn't really play outside. In the past I could stop certain events from happening like World War 2 and slavery. In the past I could also be royalty in England or Scotland.

  37. Levi Johnson
    I would choose the past so I could experience how America was before electronics and electricity. But if there was a balance I would also choose that. Out of vanity I would choose somewhere around the 60's when the Beatles were around. Still if I had to chose from past or future I would chose past.

  38. If I had to choose between future or past I would most likely choose future. The future is probably ten times better than the past and you most likely already know what happens. If you went way back in time I would still like to be in the future because of all the hard times back then, no electricity, you would probably not have a home, barely any food, just plain out poor you would most likely have nothing. So yeah I would pick the future no matter what.

  39. I would choose the future because we already know what happened in the past. Also, I wouldn’t want to live through all the wars and all the deaths from the past. I would rather live in the future because we don’t know what is going to happen as well as if there are going to be any new technological advances, such as flying cars and holograms. I would want to travel to the year 2022 and I would tell myself, “Get good grades, don’t drop out of school and don’t get a boyfriend until you’re done with school.” I would also want to travel to the future because I would want to see if hover boards exist.

  40. If I had to choose between the future and the past, I would definitely choose the future. I feel that life in the future would probably be better and I already know many events in the past. For instance, World War one and two, the Civil War, the Revolutionary War, and so much more. I think that if I went back to the past, I could ruin it and the world's safety could be at stake! Also, past lives were hard. Many people couldn't have a home. I would pick the future any day!

  41. Carter Paul
    If I were to live in the future or the past I would live in the past. I would want to live in the past because people wouldn’t be on the electronics or watching TV all the time. People would go outside and learn stuff. Or kids could go outside and build forts, play games, get dirty, and have fun. I’m not saying that every kid these days don’t go outside but if there were no electronics kids could find something else to do then watch TV.

  42. Avery Paul
    From reading chapter 31, I would chose the past because there would be no electronics. So if there were no electronics you would not be inside for most of the day you would be outside. Being outside is way more fun than being on electronics in my opinion. When you are outside you can use your imagination and learn new things. That is why I would choose to live in the past.

  43. Jessalyn Lewis
    After reading chapter thirty-one, I know that I would choose to go to the past. I would choose to go to the past because that is where I was supposed to be. I would also choose the past because so many amazing events happened in the past, and maybe I could be a part of one of those events. I would also choose the past because there would be no more electronics. Electronics can be used for good purposes, but so many people use electronics to play video games, and to look on the internet. By being on your phones, or the computer, or even watching t.v, you are not spending time with you family. If you chose to go to the past, you could spend so much time with your family because no electronics would be there to distract you.

  44. Mattie Zulz

    From what I read in chapter 31, I would defently live in the future. For one, even if I didn't read this book and someone asked me this, I would still choose the future! The future has so many possibilities and mysteries that could be solved or done in the future. After watching a new futuristic movie recently, I defently would choose future! I think it would be so cool to see how humans and or other species, will evole.

    1. Maybe you could improve the future by going back and changing or seeing the past. What do you think?

  45. Aubrey Vaughn
    If I could choose between living future or the past I would choose the future. The future has more technology. The past does not have things like indoor plumbing. The past was way more dangerous and people were constantly beheaded or hung. Plus in the future I would be able to time travel to whatever time I wanted. I could see what the winning lottery numbers were in the past.

  46. You wouldn't want to go back and see your great great grandparents?

  47. Jarrett Peek
    If I could choose between going back to the past or going to the future I would go back to the past so I could invent something before Benjamin Franklin invented the light bulb. I could go back to the past and fix my mistakes that I made in my life. I would make my self famous by doing something great like building a famous land mark or achieving something that nobody else has done. I could try and run for president or sign the Declaration of Independence.

  48. Lily Lawson

    If I could choose between going to the future or the past, I would go the past because I could fix my mistakes. I would also stop tragedies from occurring. I would not want to go to future because you may end up having a bad one. Also, I am afraid of the unknown future.

  49. Preston Kelsey
    That would be an interesting question, which one to choose the future or the past? I would choose the past for sure! I would know a little more of what to expect. I like that in the past most people are harder workers and there would be no electronics. In the past more people had horses and I really love to ride. That would be something I would really look forward to. I would enjoy more outdoor life like living on a farm.

  50. Isaac Martinez

    I would choose the future. The reason I would choose the future is because you can alter the past. With the use of modern technology you would be able to build a time machine. I would also like to see how the world has evolved.

  51. If I had to chose the future or the past I would choose that past. I like the past better. Theres more things to do. Theres less pollution, less lazy people, never breaks to be board, less school, all day you can do what you want(when your chores are done).

  52. Zane Felton
    Out of both topics, I would pick the past. The past is a very knowledgeable and cool place to visit. Despite all the blood shed of course. You could meet presidents and compare their old technology to our modern day technology. In the future, there would be global warming, recourse wars, and finally, atomic annihilation.

  53. Bryce Adams
    I would choose the past. I would choose the past because I would like to see how people lived during that time. I would also learn how to drive a stick shifted truck. It would be fun living in the past because you could learn how to play some of the games and also watch black and white TV.

  54. Ava Ekins- Faught
    If I had to choose I would choose the past. I would choose the past because then I could see how people survived back then. I think it would be kind of fun living in the past. I think in the past there are more things to do. There would not be so many lazy people and people could just do anything. For kids there would not be as much school. I think living in the past would be fun!!

  55. RUBY HISKETT Chapter 31
    I would definitely choose the future. Mostly because I would not like to live in the past, but also in the future the are more modified things, and can make life a lot easier. Plus in the past there were a lot of wars, life was very hard, because the didn’t have good medicines. I think the future would be very nice because the more futuristic devices would help me with normal, everyday things, like doing my chores.

  56. Serenity Achurra

    If I had the choice between going to the future or the past I would definitely choose the future. I would love to know what I looked like. I would also like to know if I made it into a good college, and got a good job and that mansion I have always wanted. I would also want to see the technology. I wonder what the iphone 15 will look like. I would also practically live longer. It would be fun to see the different Generations.

  57. Anna Springfield

    If I could choose form going to the future or going to the past I would choose going to the future. I would love to see how my life went on. I would like to see if the technology of the future impacted my life. I would like to travel and see how the world has changed. Would there still be the sports we have today?

  58. Sofia Utz
    I would choose the future. I would do this because living in the past would be terrible, unlike the past, the future is from the past, so if you slightly change the past, the future may not even exist. I personally fear time travel, what if we made it so Hitler was killed before he could murder the lives of millions of people? Yeah he did that, but he also healed the country, for it was failing in every way possible, what if the black plague never happened? Would we have different presidents and items? This would be hard, cause living in the past could destroy the future, and living in the future could destroy humanity as we know it. I hope time travel will never happen. We need to learn that the past happened for a reason, and the future is non of our business.

    1. Sofia
      I'm typing this at 3 in the morning, that's why it might be really strange. This has many personal conflicts, sorry bout that.

  59. If I had to choose to live in the future of the past I would choose the past because I want to see all of the inventions before everyone used the. For example, the lightbulb. I want to see Albert Einstein and George Washington. I want to see all of the American wars and give them advise that could help them win. I would also like to see the cars and the horse and carriages. I want to meet my great great great great great great grandparents.

  60. Amillia Nguyen

    I would choose the future because I could see all the new things that people have made and created. I could get a chance to see my family and friends in the future (maybe). I don’t really want to choose the past because most of those things already happened. In the future, I can see and accomplished things that no one has done before. If I go back in the past I could accidentally make one little mistake I could ruin the entire past and cause havoc and ruin the past forever. If I mess up the past then I could mess up the present so I might not exist and if I don’t exist I can’t go into the future. I would choose the future because I can learn new things from new teachers and friends (that I know). I don’t want to mess with time if I choose the past any ways. If I mess up the future it might just keep on going instead of ruining it. That is most of the reasons why I wanted to go in the future instead of the past.

  61. Kennadee Irving
    I would like to go to the future but I know that in doing so I would be releasing a huge ripple in time. I guess it is my duty to fix the time line, so I would have to choose past. If I were one of the kids, I would be a major part of history, and I need to play my part. It would be hard to let go of my parents and everything I have, but given the options Past vs. Future, I might as well fix time.

  62. Gabriella Stiehl
    If I were to choose between the future and the past I would choose future. One thing that may not be so good though is that I could cause a problem. Another reason why I would choose the future is because I am not a fan of the past. I would rather know what happens in the future than have to relive everything else. In my opinion, I think the future is better.

  63. Nathalia Nguyen

    I would choose the future because you can see your family member. (Depending on how far you are in the future.) For Jonah it was a hard decision to pick past or future because if going to the future would mean to give up everything. (Your friends, family, everything you have ever cared about in your life would be gone forever. And while going the past, you will end up probably dying on top of everything else. Jonah couldn’t get the image out of his head all of the brutal death from history: the chopped-off heads, the sword slicing off flesh, the hail of gunfire raining down on children. (The past was a very brutal place.) The past everything already happen. (It was history.) Another reason I choose the future is because you can see all the new things that they didn’t have in the present. Like one example: technology. The technology can be very different that the one we have right now. So the is why I choose future and not the past.

  64. Emily Bird

    I would choose the past. I would choose the past because if I chose the future I would not be able to fix the time ripple. I would rather go to the future but I know that if I did, I would release a huge ripple in time. I would also choose the past because then I would know who I was in history. If I went to the future, then I would be turned into a baby and wouldn't be able to remember anything.

  65. Ben Utz
    I think that I would choose the future. I say this because if I went in to the past I could die a lot easier. If went to the future the technology would be a lot more advanced. It would make it so it would be harder for me to die.

  66. Colin Homer

    If I had to choose between the past and the future, I would choose the past. The reason I would choose the past is because I would be saving part of the world by fixing the time ripples. Another reason is that it would be cool to use all of the things back then. Hopefully I would go to the time of the cavemen so that I could be a hunter all the time and it would be fun to live in a dangerous time where people had to survive their whole life.

  67. Sarah Polish

    According to the text it says that the kids had to choose either the future or the past. If I had to choose I would have chosen the past. I would have chosen the past because lots of the babies were babies born into royalty and babies of famous people. I have always wanted to be famous and to be famous and royal it would be very nice. Based on what I read I know that if I were one of the kids and I had to choose I would have to choose between my real birth family or my friends and family in the twenty-first century. Another reason I would have wanted to go back to the past is so that I would be able to know my real parents and family.In the future I think that people will be really lazy and sit around all day eating junk food. I don't want to live in the future if the future is like that. I would also be using my choice to help fix the time ripple. It would be really hard to choose if I were Jonah because if I chose the past then I wouldn't be with Chip or Katherine.

  68. It's fun to fantasize about saving the world and making the right choice the choice to die and save all of humanity but I wouldn't do it, I would choose to go to the future and it's not because i'm not a bad person I would willingly give my life to save humanity. I just think that my instinct to self preserv would prevent me from making the right choice.

    Macray O'Neill

  69. I personally would probably go to the past . One of the reasons why is because I would love to meet my dad when he was young. Another reason why is that I could help in our moast desperate times like the Great Depression. These are the reasons why I would go dark in time.

  70. Caden McKnight
    Based on what I read I think that I would pick going to the past. The reason that I would pick the past is because JB seems nicer then Gary and Hodge. Another reason that I would pick the past is I would still remember everything from the twenty-first century and not be turned into a baby. The last reason that I would go to the past is because if JB was right and was not exaggerating it could help repair time.

  71. Corbin Rollano
    The future could be a gamble. You don't know if the future is going to be a nuclear fallout, or an awesome place. If you went to the past you would have a big advantage. You would know up coming events. If I had to chose between past or future, I would choose future.

  72. Teon Erwin
    If I had the choice to go to the future or past I would go to the past. If it were sometime in the 80's even better. I would get to meet my mom and dad when they were younger and see how they lived. Its almost like "Hey, I'm your son in 20 years."
